garage door
Garage Doors
Home Improvement

Tag Archives: remote control



The Garage Door Remote: Serious Business!

When installing an automatic garage door opener, you will find they come equipped with a garage door remote to allow the door to be operated from inside the vehicle, the home or any other location within range of the remote control. Unlike the remote which operates numerous appliances in the house like your television set, the garage door remote does not operate on infrared, which needs a direct line of sight for the signal from the remote to access the controller.

Since the garage door remote doesn’t have to see the opener to operate it will send the signal through walls and doors and, based on the quality of the opener, over distances as far as 150 to 200-feet. This allows a person operating a vehicle to open the door from the end of their driveway so the door is open before their vehicle reaches the garage door. They can also utilize the garage door remote to close the door once inside, prior to exiting the vehicle, to remain protected from the elements and other risks which may be present.

When building garage, you can also consider installing garage door rollers in your garage door. Choose the right remote to open the [more]