garage door
Garage Doors
Home Improvement

Author Archives: 1st United Door Technologies

Garage Door As A Ball Catcher

When home improvements are being made, especially around the outside of the house, many people fail to remember one simple improvement that can perk up the surroundings and make a house look newer.

The door to your garage is the very item that can be repaired or replaced to complete any home project. Through years of coming and going in and out of the garage, the door can sustain much damage. Whether the damage is in the form of dents, scratches, unsightly peeling paint, or broken windows, repair is the answer to such an eyesore.

Every family seems to have a child who just loves to play ball and use the garage door as its catcher. While the door may be a handy alternative to a real person, the damages a hard ball can cause to a garage door are immense. Another common problem homeowner’s encounter with their garage doors is a broken or worn out spring. In the event of a broken spring, opening and closing the door to your garage may be nearly impossible, especially in the case of a broken spring.

A smart solution to garage door abuse is to contact a professional contractor. There are several companies that continue [more]

Get Qualified Help!

Installing a garage door isn’t a thing that could be carried out without having the qualified help of someone who is specialized and experienced in it. A garage door professional will have sufficient hands on experience to correctly install or repair your garage door.  Improper installation of a garage door could create a hazardous situation.

 Kids or tiny pets or animals could be caught under the closing door or get themselves hurt while closing the door. It must be closed correctly. Give ample time for closing when using a remote control transmitter or push button and look carefully for a complete shutdown. The opener must be given particular attention while using the door. If the door feels heavy and more energy is necessary to open the door than usually, there may be a problem with the balance or proper adjustment of the door. Realizing the issue, a professional technician should be contacted to analyze and fix the issue. Self adjustments or just keeping it heavy may possibly trigger much more hazardous circumstances in the end. A stronger garage opener is not necessarily the answer as maintaining the appropriate adjustment and balance of the door is the proper remedy. 

Garage doors are normally [more]

Got Wood?

Some things do come back in style if you wait long enough. Think hip-hugger pants, shag carpeting and, yes, even wood garage doors. The wood garage doors of the 1970s are back in a big way. It’s one of many design trends that have come and gone.

The first revolution in garage door materials happened in the 1980s, when raised panel steel doors replaced wood ones. They continue to dominate the market today, mainly because they’re economical and low-maintenance. But for certain homes — especially custom homes or those with an Old World look — a big expanse of cold steel just won’t do. Frequently the garage door is a major part of the front of a home and people are finding that they can do something more interesting.

For this reason, wood has become the most popular option. But these aren’t the humble wood doors of two decades ago. For example, 1st United Door Technologies offers wood doors in a carriage-house style that has an old-fashioned craftsman look. Made of the finest wood, they offer a much richer appearance and you can expect to pay four times or more what you would for steel doors.

Just as wood is beginning to catch [more]

Earliest of Garage Door Openers

Got Critters?

Garage Doors Are the “Face” of Your Garage

The automobile—and a place to put it—has become a necessity of modern life, but that wasn’t the case when most historic homes were built. Creating a garage that offers the amenities you want without disrupting the period character of your home can be a tall order. The good news? Today, there are more options than ever to ease the burden.

Since doors are the “face” of your garage, choosing them is one of the most important design decisions you’ll have to make. If your garage is prominently placed in relation to your house, the style of the doors can have a major impact on your curb appeal. Pulling architectural elements from your house and replicating them on garage doors will go a long way toward striking a harmonious balance between garage and house.

The easiest way to blend house and garage is to match up their color schemes. If the design of your garage door isn’t a great fit for the age of your home, a complementary color scheme can at least help it blend in. Conversely, if you have a gorgeous traditional-style door to highlight, creative coloring (for example, painting the bracing elements on a carriage-house door the same color as [more]

Save Energy With Garage Door Sealers

Your garage can be susceptible against the constant attack from external elements including water and mud from roads, road salt, and even the auto fluids and oils that could have leaked from your vehicles.

The damages causing will be both physical and energy related costs. As we know, your garage is likely to consume electricity like any other rooms of your home. The lights, garage door openers, ventilation will always consume power. The usage of sealers with various kinds of doors can reduce this power consumption.

These sealers are a perfect addition to your garage door as they can help withstand regular wear and tear that these doors face over a period of time. This means less garage door repair. The best part is that they are durable and are less expensive. The sealers can aid you to reduce the cost by consuming less electricity. Many of the garages are building right next to homes to reduce the heat inside it by saving large amount of energy costs. This problem doesn’t arise if sealers are used.

The sealer in your garage door will ensure the garage will stay cooler even during summer season. The insulations must be good to make sure the gas [more]

A Frozen Garage Door Can Be Hard to Open!

Your garage door might be opened several times a day. When you move your car in and out of the garage or when you enter a garage that is not attached to your home to retrieve or store something, you will need to be opening the door. However, if you have a severe snow or ice storm or even just a particularly cold string of days, your garage door can freeze closed. Luckily, there are things you can do to prevent your garage door from freezing

1. Apply a commercial garage door lubricant or silicone spray to the tracks of your garage door. The lubricant will prevent freezing.

2. Add some lubricant to the rollers of your garage door, as well.
3. Put the commercial lubricant onto the hinges of your garage door to prevent them from freezing during the winter.
4. Shovel snow and ice from the outside of your garage door each morning. Allowing the snow and ice to accumulate or refreeze at night can also freeze your garage door.
5. Warm up your car in your driveway, rather than inside your garage. Your car heating up can melt the snow or ice around the door. Then, when it refreezes after you drive away, the [more]

No Power to the Garage Door?

The needs of homeowners and the designs of garages today have evolved to include many distinct needs and applications that demand that garage door openers are diverse in their design and application.

Garage Door Openers are considered a necessity by most homeowners today and often rely on the garage door as the main entrance to the home.

You don’t want to get out of the car in driving rain, blizzards or freezing cold  – just press the button on your remote transmitter and your garage door opens automatically. The new generation of garage door openers are reasonably priced, safe and easy to install. They are affordable and no longer a convenience for only a select few.

So what happens when you lose power in your home? Operating your door manually is no fun, especially in areas with frequent power outages. If you’re fortunate enough, you opener will have a battery backup system that will continue to operate your garage door.

For example, the LiftMaster 3850 opener features an ultra-quiet 12V DC motor with a belt drive system and the industry’s only integrated EverCharge™ Battery Backup system. The integrated battery backup technology not only powers the opener for up to 40 full cycles but continues to [more]

Pass the salt, please!

This is a winter during which temperatures are averaging below normal for about three-quarters of the nation. So don’t let winter’s freeze to be the cause of your garage door seal freezing to the concrete floor.

Whether it’s wind piling snow up against the door to your garage or a dripping eave that is splashing around the front of the garage and then freezing overnight, chances are you’ve encountered a garage door that’s frozen itself to the concrete floor.

The simplest remedy is to use ordinary table salt. Sprinkling a generous amount along where the rubber seal meets up with the concrete will minimize the chance of it freezing by keeping the salt in place. You just might want to keep a large container of table salt near the garage door, so it will be handy and you’ll remember to use it. Keep the area beneath the garage door seal swept clear of snow and reapply salt as necessary.

It sounds like a hassle, but chipping ice away from the bottom of the garage door and chewing up the rubber seal in the process is no fun, and parking outside the garage defeats the purpose of having a garage in the first place.

Use this [more]