garage door
Garage Doors
Home Improvement

Blog Archive: August 3, 2011

Paint It!

Garage doors often suffer from wear and tear. In order to make sure that your garage door stays in top shape, you need to paint it periodically.

All aspects of the weather from sun to snow can be harmful to the appearance of your garage door. Discoloration of the garage door is mainly because the sun directly falls on your garage door, the rain soaks all the metal parts of the garage door which will cause it to rust over time. Also, there are chances of snow getting freeze into your garage door during winter which melts due to the heat from your house and then re-freezes. All of the above can harm the state of your garage door.

When you first install your garage door, take a photo of it so that you can compare its condition. the photo you take when the door is new will remind you of how your door really should look. But if you have taken another and more recent photo of your door, you will easily be able to see the wear and tear your door has suffered. This is a sure indication that you should  do the necessary maintenance work as early as possible [more]