garage door
Garage Doors
Home Improvement

Tag Archives: garage door hardware

Garnish Your Garage Door with Decorative Hardware

One of the most basic tenants of home design and decor is to have all the hardware match, throughout rooms, and throughout the entire house if possible. This goes for the exterior of the home as well. The more windows and doors can be made to match, coordinate, and complement each other, the more curb appeal a structure has. Most everybody values coming home to a space that is pleasing and pleasant. Yet, structural items like garage doors can become dull over time. Renewing them with proper cleaning and a good garage door protectant will restore luster and beauty to the doors. But updating existing door hardware to match other exterior hardware is an easy and inexpensive way to add curb appeal without having to replace the entire door.

Many garage door service companies sell decorative hardware kits that are made to fit and compliment the doors that they sell and install. When shopping for replacement garage doors, check on the type, style, and color of the hardware that comes standard on the doors. Upgrading at the time of purchase makes upgrading the look of new doors simple. For existing vehicle entry doors, check with the original service provider or manufacturer if [more]