garage door
Garage Doors
Home Improvement

Blog Archive: January 4, 2012

OMG! Garage Door Noise

No we’re not talking about the kind of noise that local garage band is making, we’re talking about that irritating and annoying noise caused by the opening and closing of your garage door.

So what’s the cause?

For starters, old garage door parts that have gone worn out for ages may be the cause for the annoying garage door noise. These worn out garage door parts may include hinges, garage door rollers or garage door springs. It’s also often caused because of poor care and garage door maintenance. Replacing the worn out parts plus timely garage door maintenance could greatly increase the unlikelihood for hearing the next garage door noise. Conducting regular and periodic garage door maintenance can prevent costly repair expenses and give longevity to your door.

Most of the garage door noises you hear are often cause by the door itself. Consequently, a quality garage door is more likely to be quiet and less annoying.

Different kinds of garage door openers also produce different volumes of noise. With a chain drive garage door opener, you can expect it to be the noisiest of all openers. Screw drive garage doors are better because they produce less noise. Surpassing that of a screw drive [more]