garage door
Garage Doors
Home Improvement

Blog Archive: September 15, 2011

Garage Door Shopping

Most homeowners, if any, experience shopping for a new garage door. When we do, we often get a bit overwhelmed with all of the choices we need to make.

Signs of a garage door in need of replacement include sagging, peeling paint or dented steel, light coming through the bottom, worn or rusted hardware, or simply inconsistent operation.

If you are renovating your house and think it would look better with a new door, by all means take the plunge. New doors are not particularly expensive. It is really hard to make a bigger improvement to the look of your home’s exterior in just a few hours than by having a new garage door installed.

But there are a couple of things to keep in mind before you start shopping for a new door. First, most garage doors can be painted. If your biggest gripe is simply that the existing door color isn’t right, or the coating is dirty or peeling, consider opting for a paint job instead of replacement.

Second, if you just have a problem with a single panel, you may be able to find a replacement for the panel without having to replace the entire door. Look for a serial number [more]